Sunday, November 28, 2010

umie  +  ayah
i love them very much.They give me a full support for me in all aspect especially in giving me a love,give me a lots of advice when i'm facing a problem and to make my life run smoothly.Everyday,they raise their hantd to pray for me an my siblings to make us success in studies,good in health, and me beng as solehah girl.......

kak nil
my first systa,,,still in single condition...haha...but now in searching a good husband...a new graduation in pHd,,marvellous!!nOw,she being a successfulwomen.
my second systa kak noor...she married with abe zip i think when i'm in 6 years,,,Living in Putrajaya and have a handsome son name Abdullah Fahmi Abdul Yazid...sweetim systa.
abe par  +  kak sae
an engineer and a sister at Terengganu Medical Centre.Mohd Izzat Syabil is their son...Syabil is a naughty boy.
kak lie   +   abe may
i love them very systa kak lie works as teacher teaching at Sek.Men.Rantau Panjang and my brother works as businessman..They have a qute and sweetim children.
Mohd Syahmin Firdaus- i called abe
Nurul Syamin Ainsyah- tesoh in named
Nurul Syamin Allia- mc' yaa
Nurul Syamin amni- nie Aninie
Nurul Syamin Alisya- baby Lisya~a preetier baby
nephew and niece
abe wan
act as KAIN TUALA GUD MORNING......besties bru,,,mauhhhhh